The main objective of the WEEELABS project is the construction of a strategic partnership between organizations with experience in the social field, to work and learn together exploring new opportunities for the employability of youth in situation or at serious risk of exclusion.
These profiles form the targeted group: young people with diverse circumstances that share specific elements of their territory and local context, such as expectations and difficulties in integrating into the social and productive system, but with common educational and integration needs.
To facilitate their social integration and incorporation into the labour market, the project partners have identified the recovery and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEES) as an opportunity of labour incorporation and social integration of these young people, line with the European Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
This is an opportunity of employability that could be realized with the creation of new social enterprises or / and intraenterpreneurial projects in organizations.
In this sense, WEEELABS will explore a new way of non-formal education processes, tailored and specifically oriented to our targeted group of young people ein situation or at serious risk of exclusion, both to serve as specific training in handling, recycling and recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment -not yet reflected in formal education system- and the development of core basic skills (spoken language, reading comprehension and calculation) and transversal skills (problem solving, teamwork, organization of work, creative thinking and monitoring instructions ...).
This way is to validate the adaptation of the FabLab model (Fabrication Laboratories) which were promoted by by the Massachusetts Institute Technology (MIT) as workshops / learning communities in digital design and manufacturing scale for personal or local use (usually with 3D technologies).
More info: http://weeelabs.eu/