‘’A.B.C Alternative Balkan Caravan’’ was a project, which objective was the production of a documentary about the life of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans) photo album and an experience sharing book related to homophobia, based on the research and seminars on this specific issue in Balkan Peninsula. Host country of the programme was Greece, and more specifically the city of Thessaloniki, while partner countries were: Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Albania and Greece. Organisations involved in the project were a mixture of Youth LGBT and Youth Non Governmental Organisations, which undertook Human Rights projects, as the target age group of the programme were 18 to 30. The host organisation, which applied for funding the project, was Citizen’s Action for Europe (C.A.F.E) but the implementation of the project has been undertaken by United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.).
More info: https://rainbowbalkans.wordpress.com/