‘’Seed of Change’’ was a project aimed to reinforce the role and the active participation of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, specifically young people from disadvantaged urban neighborhoods, as actors to change to achieve an equal society which guarantees then an effective enjoyment of social rights, in the actual context of social and economic crisis. The project strategy foresees a comprehensive approach to the themes of access to social rights, youth participation and fight against poverty and exclusion. It is based on activities that focus on education and advocacy what permits to have both aspects of development work, thus creating a more sustainable impact. The project lasts for 12 months and will involve as direct participants/beneficiaries 160 young people aged 15-20 from disadvantaged neighborhoods from Palermo (Italy), Barcelona (Spain), The Hague (Netherlands), Thessaloniki (Greece), Nairobi (Kenya), Kathmandu (Nepal), Bogota (Colombia) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). The indirect beneficiaries were 1648 youngsters from disadvantaged neighborhoods.
More info: www.seedofchange.ceipes.org