Educational Workshops
This workshop is about writing and narrating stories of any type. In this workshop we will explore some of the tricks & tips of writing. Senior Trainer Dimitris Savvaidis presented the three basic features a good story should cover, the“Hero”, the “Space and Time” and the “Actions”. All those features are covered by asking the simplest questions: “Who and Why” for Hero, “Where and When” for Space and Time and “What and How” for Actions and the decisions are up to the storyteller or sometimes to the audience to take.
Collaborative Storytelling is a method and a tool that enables one to create a story from a big group of people equally and collaboratively in a manner that everyone feels part of the story.
On Friday, November 19th at 11:00AM, we invite you to Balkan Heart (8th Alexandrou Delmouzou str.) to participate in our Storytelling Workshop by Dimitris Savvaidis.
Collaborative Storytelling is a method and a tool that enables one to create a story from a big group of people equally and collaboratively in a manner that everyone feels part of the story.
On Friday, November 19th at 11:00AM, we invite you to Balkan Heart (8th Alexandrou Delmouzou str.) to participate in our Storytelling Workshop by Dimitris Savvaidis.
Fill the participation form HERE