Youth Worker in Debate

Youth Worker in Debate

Erasmus+ ΚΑ2

Youth worker in debate is a K2 Strategic partnership: Exchange of Good Practices funded by Erasmus+. The duration of the project is 24 months starting from 1/6/2019 until 11/5/2021 .The project partners are Bluebook which is a communication agency from Italy, USB from Greece and YEA from North Macedonia that are both youth associations.The direct target group is youth workers that work in the field of education of young people in non-formal contexts. The indirect target group are the beneficiaries on whom the project intends to work, is formed by young people with different educational backgrounds and different cultural and social backgrounds.


The objectives of the project are to increase the skills of youth workers through the “Debate methodology” and to provide them with specific tools so as to apply it in their activities with young people. Moreover, the project aims to increase the active participation of young people in public life, stimulating critical thinking and a sense of belonging in a context of global citizenship, to develop young people's active participation at a social and political level and finally to promote a culture of participation within a framework that links formal and non-formal education.


The project is divided into three phases, where the first one contains the training activities on the methodology in Italy and the main expected result is the constitution of a group of motivated and equipped youth workers with the necessary skills for the management of subsequent activities.

In the second phase, three workshops will be created in each country and they will be managed by youth workers (2 per country) who will have participated in the C1 and monitored by a person representing the project team.

Finally, during the third phase, at the end of the training workshops, the young people along with the youth workers, will take part to the final mobility in Greece during which Debate activities will be organised.

The project participants will be: 1.  youth workers (6 youth workers in total / 2 for each partner country) who will take part in the C1 activities, which will subsequently follow the workshops at national level and which will take part in the C2 activities, 2. young people participating in workshops at national level (16 in each country) and 3. young people participating in the activities of C2 (8 young people selected from those who have participated in the workshop activities).

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