

Apostolis' Erasmus+ experience in Romania

Apostolis' Erasmus+ experience in Romania

My experience of participating in the "Exploring Youth Entrepreneurial Skills" program held in Romania can be described as magical. I had the opportunity to meet amazing people who made the Greek team with me, but also very interesting personalities from the other countries that participated. Every day offered me a unique experience through the workshops, with the games with the other participants as well as with the communication with them.

Including You(th) στη Βόρεια Μακεδονία

Including You(th) στη Βόρεια Μακεδονία

The program "Including You(th)" took place in Struga, North Macedonia, on August 17-25. The Greek team started their journey with 5 participants, who traveled from Athens and Thessaloniki, to live this experience. The program aimed to include young people, to play together again, games they played as children in summers in the countryside. During the program, each day was assigned to a specific country, responsible for organizing the day's activities and with them inspiring the other participants. The Greek team presented their own games on August 24, 2023.

Sotiris' Erasmus+ experience

Sotiris' Erasmus+ experience

A very nice and exciting program with perfect organization ended on July 26 with the participation of 9 countries and about 60 people. Coexisting with such a large number of people was unprecedented but also quite interesting as you could meet and socialize a lot. As far as the workshops were concerned, they were held in groups (each country prepared its own) and included theater, presentations and a lot of conversation. Historically (chronologically) we started from the Middle Ages and ended up at the present day by comparing the cultures of America and Europe.



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