

Sofiana's Erasmus+ experience

Sofiana's Erasmus+ experience

Digital Youth Work Lab training course was held on 3/7-9/7 in Bologna, Italy. The main objective of the youth workers mobility was the improvement of the digital skills of the participants and the creation of a civic oriented toolkit of activities and tools with online perspective to be used by NGOs for this purpose all through the mapping and gapping of resources and practices connected to digitalisation was a key part of this process.

An Erasmus+ experience in Hungary

An Erasmus+ experience in Hungary

I think 2-3 photos are not able to capture my experience in Szeged!! Just a little taste!!! I participated in the "engAge" program, from September 3rd to11th.

His goal was to bridge the gap between different ages. What is ageism? What difficulties do the elderly face? Are there good practices to improve their quality of life? We tried to give answers to these questions.

In Italy for the “Digital Youth Work Lab”

In Italy for the “Digital Youth Work Lab”

I participated in the training course “Digital Youth Work Lab” organized in Bologna, Italy from 3rd to 9th of July 2023. It was a very interesting and fun program, well designed by the hosting oragnisation "Scambieuropei", through which I and 13 other young people from different countries in Europe we learned, through original activities and educational methods, new ways to encourage the young people of our community to become more active and active citizens, to engage responsibly and safely with the public, both online and in natural context.

Eleni's Erasmus+ story

Eleni's Erasmus+ story

Recently, from August 20th to September 1st, I participated in an Erasmus+ entitled "Exploring youth entrepreneurial skills" in Brebu Romania. I learned about it through the Greek organization United Societies of Balkans.

After everyone arrived and got to know each other through games we became a team. We were united by relationships of trust. The workshops from the first to the last day were very interesting and I learned a lot about entrepreneurship, which otherwise I would not have had the opportunity to hear.


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