"Activism is the rent I pay for my stay on Earth!"

"Activism is the rent I pay for my stay on Earth!"

According to Wikipedia , activism as a concept generally belongs to realistic thinking and volunteering. This term characteristically states not so much the theoretical perception of someone about the world around him, but his desire to shape him according to his desires "in the best", with his corresponding action.

Activism in Greece is not a newly introduced concept. Since the early 1970s many Greeks especially traveling to other countries, inspired and followed the way of life and the culture types existing activists. The main concern of activists in Greece is the creation of a society of equality for all. They are mainly engaged with the problems of women and of animals and the activist organizations most concerned also with the problems of migrants.

Some of the best known activist organizations that are active internationally and therefore locally is Amnesty International, Action Aid Greece , the WWF Greece and the Greenpeace Greece . Apart from the international organizations, there are also Greek organizations that are very active in the field of activism with typical examples 269 Life Greece , Thessaloniki Otherwise initiative, social cuisine ''O allos anthropos'', the Greek street magazine Sxedia but also activists members of the Greek LGBTQI community .

Particularly intense is the activism of young people who, wanting to change what they do not like in the society around them, take an active role in the issues that concern them. They can do this both within their university institutions and by joining a similar organization or by taking private initiatives themselves.

Abraham Brohidis 29, Irene Palmou 24 years and Katerina Manduca also 24 years old are three Greek activists of the group FatUnicorns dealing with fat activism and aims to exoneration and strengthening plump people. Also well known is the Greek activist Kristen Leotsakou 28 years dealing with veganism and promoting zero waste living . In her attempt to awaken other young people of her age, she also participated in a TV show with great success.

It is very important for young people to take an active role in our society and in Greece there are many options depending on the interests and needs of everyone. Let's not forget that as the famous author Alice Walker said " Activism is the rent I pay for my stay on Earth".


This article has been written by Olga Katsilidou for the project  'Trade Unions and their Youth Sections – new impetus for youth participation', which is co-funded by European Youth Foundation of Council of Europe. The EYF and CoE support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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