After arriving in Armenia and in Dilijan the organizers divided as in our rooms and made sure that we feel comfortable.
The first day was all about knowing the other participants, remembering the names and some basic information. Getting to know the other participants in the beginning is a very important part of the project because you will need to trust them during the bivouac.
Especially in a project like 'Nature as a Classroom', where you have to spend time on a mountain for a night without tents. Instead of tends we used bivouacs made of tarps.
Before our bivoac we had some preparation on how to use rope to make knots, how to use a knife and how to start a fire without a lighter. We practiced everything before our departure to make sure we feel confident in our abilities and in our team mates.
Then we started our bivoac adventure, hiking till we found the spot we would do our bivoac and applied everything we learned the previous days.
Finally we came back to our accomodation and did some reflection and a final dissemination of the whole projet.