An Erasmus+ story from Spain

An Erasmus+ story from Spain

From October 28th to November 5th we had one of the most unforgettable experiences, participating in the Environment Business program in Iscar, Spain. The Greek team consisted of Nadina, Lydia, Ersi and Georgia and the program included people from Portugal, Croatia, Italy, Romania and Spain.

The program was very interesting, fun and focused on promoting sustainable practices and activities in local communities, which at the same time promote environmental awareness. The learning of the above was done using non-standard means of education, that is, through presentations, group work and various games.

Each country also had its own Cultural night to present its country. This really gave us the opportunity to get to know all the cultures and also many cities of each country since most of the participants were from different cities. In the Greek night we all had a lot of fun and of course there was a lot of dancing, we were even told that we had the best food and snacks.

Our facilitators were two Greeks who helped us throughout the program, presenting the topic perfectly and creating a very organized program that contained everything.

We met some really incredible people, learned a lot from them and will always remember them all!!

Throughout the journey we had USB by our side and we would like to thank her for giving us this unique opportunity.

Natalia, Lydia, Nadina, Georgia


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