"Boosters of Youth Employability - BYE" (2020)

"Boosters of Youth Employability - BYE" (2020)

Erasmus+ ΚΑ1

"Boosters of Youth Employability" is a Training Course that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece between 04-15 of March 2020. The project provides to:

-Increase awareness of the common European problem of youth unemployment by exploring its roots and challenges and the social, political and economic consequences in modern societies
-Explore and compare current situations and models in European countries on unemployment, exchange experiences and good practices to support youth entrepreneurship and tackle youth unemployment in the EU
-Increase the knowledge and skills of participants in the use of non-formal learning activities and methods tools to enhance the entrepreneurial, practical and transversal skills of young people that can lead to their employment or start their own business
-They are concerned about the role of each as a Youth Worker and youth organizations to support young people in identifying and acquiring skills for employability
-It provides participants with information on European funding and unemployment support programs: EURES, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, European Social Fund, Enterprise Europe Network, EU Program for Employment and Social Innovation,
Startup Europe etc
-Exploring and promoting young entrepreneurship, and providing insights into the business process and business development: from idea / need recognition to development / management
-Promoting sustainable international partnerships and networks, capacity building and cooperation in the youth field focusing on youth unemployment, employability and entrepreneurship
-Promoting Erasmus + as a platform and Youthpass as a tool for recognizing non-formal and informal learning, important procedures for acquiring new skills that enhance employability

The educational project will explore the current situation of European countries in terms of unemployment and serve as 
a mapping site for socio-economic issues and the they are linked to unemployment while identifying related problems or
shortcomings and offering potential solutions and actions to overcome them. Participants will also share their views on
European citizenship and issues of discrimination in Europe.

Participants will also share their views on European citizenship and issues of discrimination in Europe. During the project,
relevant European initiatives, support and funding opportunities will be presented and discussed. combating unemployment and
promoting entrepreneurship.

The main objective of the training project is to train, empower and enhance the professional competencies of
Youth Workers, Youth Leaders and youth professionals to work successfully through non-formal education to
improve the entrepreneurial, employability and cross-cutting skills of young people. work with them within their
organizations and their communities as a way to combat youth unemployment and promote active participation in democratic life and the market work in Europe.

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