The project "Break the Wall: Bringing non formal sports to the Youth Organizations" proposes to overcome the gap between sports activities and youth work by producing a guideline to facilitate youth workers and organizations to integrate sports activities and organize sports event to promote inclusion, participation and healthy lifestyle among young people.
Aims of the project are:
1) Raise awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activities in the everyday life, through the inclusion of non-formal activities in the everyday work of Youth Organizations
2) Upscaling and upgrading youth work in general, through the use of new tools - simplified, illustrative and accessible to all - which will also enable more youth organizations to open up to sports regardless of their size and previous experience
3) Promotion of social inclusion and equal access to sport for all, especially for youngsters with fewer opportunities (social and economic obstacles, educational difficulties, etc.) through the creation of a Toolkit and the local implementation of sports activities based on non-formal education for community/group building.
The target groups of the project will be:
Primary: Youth organizations, Youth Clubs, youth workers, educators, coordinators of volunteers, mentors.
Secondary: Young people (18-30), young people with fewer opportunities, volunteers in youth organizations, youth initiatives.
The project has two tangible outputs:
1) “Sports Management Manual for Youth Organizations” - This Manual aims to be an introduction to youth workers, staff members of youth organizations, and community leaders and other organizations about the management of sports event and activities at a grassroots level for implementing youth activities. The Manual will be small (10-15 pages), friendly, using a simple approach and easily adaptable in different environments and target groups.
2) “Toolkit” - The Toolkit will be both complementary to the Manual, as well as an autonomous tool for youth workers at its own. The Toolkit will contain 20 sports activities based on non-formal education, aiming for group building of members of organizations, communities, volunteers and other groups of young people.