This project comes as continuation and follow-up of a previous project in which Y-E-N and other partners discovered, tested and validated innovative and creative digital tools such as digital storytelling and talent approach: "Angle It Right: New Perspectives on young people with fewer opportunities" (2016).
The aim of this strategic partnership is therefore to experiment, share and confront practices on innovative, digital and creative methods and tools to foster youth empowerment and social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities / in vulnerable situations.
- To explore the benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations of digital tools when working with young people with fewer opportunities and in vulnerable situations;
- To promote the added value of digital tools in youth work;
- To develop digital competences of youth workers by training them on the use of digital storytelling and talent approach with young people with fewer opportunities;
- To create a safe space for young people with fewer opportunities to reflect on their own life story, train them to storytelling techniques and media literacy and empower them to show their potential;
- To inform young people with fewer opportunities about their rights, empower them to stand for these rights and get motivation for change;
- To build capacity of the participating organisations and provide networking and peer-learning opportunities between them.
Digitalise it! is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and the support of Région Grand Est (France). The European Commission and Région Grand Est support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission and Région Grand Est cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.