Diversity In Visual Arts vol. 2 (DIVA II)

Diversity In Visual Arts vol. 2 (DIVA II)

Diversity In Visual Arts vol. 2 (DIVA II)
Erasmus+ ΚΑ1

The youth exchange DIVA II will bring to Thessaloniki 55 young people, aged 18-25 for 12 days (15-26 / 06/2018) from 10 countries [Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, FYROM, Italy, Romania, Spain and Turkey]. The aim of the exchange is to get the participants in touch with the LGBTI + community, the problems and needs as well as its rights - while at the same time they will be trained on human rights in general. They will reflect on these themes and at the same time they will be sensitized, with the aim of mobilizing themselves in activist actions - whether locally or through the internet - to promote them. During the exchange, the participants will have the opportunity to attend art workshops (theater, constructions, creative writing, etc.) and new technologies (photography, video), to acquire skills related to them and express themselves. The participants will be divided into groups according to their interests. The aim of these workshops is, among other things, to provide tools for the promotion of human rights and LGBTI + community rights through art and engagement in an activist action. In the last days of the exchange, the results of these workshops will be exhibited in the city, aiming at a maximized and multiplier effect on the local community. We also intend to make the exchange during the 7th Thessaloniki Pride and this exhibition will be included in the official program. The participants will have a kiosk at Thessaloniki Pride and will inform young people about the Erasmus + program and the opportunities it offers for training, volunteering, mobility and learning.

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