EduSport: Education Through Sport for youth workers

EduSport: Education Through Sport for youth workers

Erasmus+ ΚΑ2

EduSport: Education through Sport for youth workers

The idea for creating the EduSport project arose from the joint conviction of the power that lies in the combination of education and sport. Training adequately body and soul provides a holistic approach to mental and physical health especially for youth. This is why the project EduSports has been created. EduSport is a international cooperation between the following youth organisations: Youth for Exchange and Understanding International AISBL (Belgium), Moju – Associao movimiento juvenile olhao (Portugal), Klub Zglarski Horn Krakow (Poland), Armenian Progressive Youth NGO (Armenia), and United Societies of Balkans (Greece).

The project opens with a research about methods that are used in everybody’s working routine (partner organisations) related to project’s topic. This forms a base between partners to exchange good practices and mould it all together in a manual about sport and education in and through sports with special focus on skills development. In the continuation the manual will be included in a campaign about education through sports. The campaign aims at raising awareness about sports, physical activity and healthy lifestyle in a first level, but also to motivate people to participate in sports activities. The material following the campaign will be mainly shared before, during and after the European week of sport in 2021 and 2022 and further on within the practice of all project partners.

By understanding the important role that sport can play in the field of Education and individual skills development we want to contribute to the promotion of a healthy and holistic lifestyle including in both, physical and mental way: Let’s get started!

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