El poder del Filandón

El poder del Filandón

Erasmus+ ΚΑ2

Nowadays less and less people read books and this has an impact on the society. With the program "El poder del Filandón / the power of Filandon" the aim is to rekindle the passion of young people and children for books.
- Implementation of actions at local and European level that promote reading as a key educational tool for learning, integration and social transformation.
- Stimulating, increasing and consolidating interest in reading as a personal pleasure with the aim of preventing situations of social exclusion and school failure.
- To highlight the importance of linguistic diversity and multilingualism in the European Union.
- To offer training opportunities to workers in the field of reading promotion.
Specific objectives and specific results that we expect the implementation of the project to yield are as follows.
- To design and create the educational material - THE EUROPEAN FILANDÓN
- to promote reading as a tool for lifelong learning and as a tool for highlighting the importance of linguistic diversity and multilingualism in the European Union.
- To develop actions to promote reading, aimed mainly at people with less
opportunities and/or socially disadvantaged.
- To create a network for the promotion of reading at local and European level that will advise, support and implement initiatives to encourage reading.
- Exchange of good practices in the field of youth at European level.
- To encourage the development of innovative initiatives for the application of ICT in reading, writing and oral communication.
- To link reading, writing and oral communication with the development of skills by teachers and other youth workers.
- To create spaces for the empowerment of children and youth, with a positive impact on the promotion of reading as a toll for inclusive social transformation.
- To acquire skills and tools to promote reading and to exchange resources and good practices.
- Acquiring tools and skills to carry out public aloud reading and storytelling activities to promote reading among children and young people.
- To increase the interest of children and young people in Europe in reading.
- Creating participation opportunities for Europe's children and youth.

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