European Volunteering and Integration

European Volunteering and Integration

European Volunteering and Integration

The project

EU-VOICE aims to support the integration of Third Country Nationals (TCN) and to promote exchanges between TCNs and host-country nationals through a 25-days volunteering experience in the cultural sector for 320 people, mainly TCNs, in 5 EU countries with high immigration rates (IT, GR, IE, UK, AT). The frame to such volunteering experience is provided by the European Year of Cultural Heritage as an opportunity to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. The project develops a multidisciplinary approach as a result of the exchange of best practices and tools related to social inclusion of the target group tested by the partnership, as well as other EU materials on migrant volunteering in the cultural sector. The short-term beneficiaries are partner organisations’ staff and volunteers (around 46.000 people), who will benefit from EU methodologies and tools to prepare TCN for a volunteering period in the cultural sector. The project activities (workshops to promote volunteering, seminars on active EU citizenship, training to prepare for volunteering and a 25-days Cultural Volunteering Experience) will involve min. 320 direct medium-term beneficiaries (of whom 70% TCN and 30% women to ensure gender mainstreaming). Thanks to a series of valorisation activities other TCN will be empowered and local population will be more aware on intercultural issues and volunteering as long-term beneficiaries).

Task of the external evaluator

The external evaluator will will provide the tools to evaluate the products and guarantee an objective feedback from outside the partnership throughout the project, especially during the interim and final reporting period, in order to be on track as to both the work plan timeline and the quality of project products.

Quality Management will be based on a continuous monitoring of the project at different levels. The co-applicants will work together under the guidance of the external evaluator, to assure the quality of the project and its achievements, as well as the applicability of the EU dimension in the activities foreseen in the projects Work Packages.

Quality management is strongly linked with other management issues. The results of all evaluation activities will be regularly reviewed by the partnership at each meeting, and it will have direct consequences on all further project management decisions. The Project Steering Committee, which is the main decision-making body in the consortium, will act following the Project Cycle Management (PCM) processes and in close collaboration with the external evaluator, to assess whether the guidelines set in the quality assurance framework are adhered to by all partners, and project targets and deadlines have been met.

This call for tenders is to be published on United Societies of Balkans' website and partner organisations' websites on 21/12/2018; it will stay open for 21 calendar days. The deadline for the submission of bids is on 10/01/2019.

Tenders must be written in English. They must be signed by the applicant (if individual tenderer) or by the tenderer’s legal representative (if the applicant is an organisation). All tenders must include the following documents and information:

• Description of professional experience with relevant examples of evaluation work performed;

• CV of the evaluator(s);

• Financial proposal with prices quoted in euros.

Offers must be submitted by email to both the following email addresses: and


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