GEM - Gender Equality in Media

GEM - Gender Equality in Media

Erasmus+ ΚΑ1

The idea of the Youth Exchange "GEM" come up to the need to increase young people knowledge about the gender gap in mass media and representation to fight gender stereotypes transmitted by the mass media, avoid sexism behaviour between youngsters and encourage positive use of the internet to sustain equality, social inclusion and human rights on the internet. Indeed, the mass media and social media have a real impact on the development of young people since they are the principal fount of their information, and they influence the perception they have on gender in their society. The association of standard gender characteristics, such as the idea men are strong and powerful, and women are sensitive and weak, is reinforced by media and justify sexism behaviors, cyber harassment, and gender discrimination even between youngsters. Indeed, many young people have suffered at least once discriminatory comments and harassment on the internet by their peers. Through this project, participants have the opportunity to reflect on the real impact and consequences that sexism and gender discrimination in mass media has on their lives and in their countries. During the exchange, we want to create a constructive debate with participants to encourage the promotion of human rights and gender equality on the internet and the correct use of information.

The project is divided into three parts: In the first part, we met our partners to prepare the participants before the exchange and discuss needs for travel, accommodation, conference rooms, food allergy or food habits, and needed tools for the implementation of the activities. Then, we met the participants to get more familiar and prepare them with information about the topic of the project and any relevant aspect of the exchange in order to organize activities together. The second part refers to the implementation of the project. During the exchange, participants will be informed about the importance of non-formal education and the advantages of YouthPass, moreover, they will have the opportunity to get familiar with different cultures and meet different points of view. Through the three workshops by expected by the project, participants will reflect and discuss on the topic of gender inequality and discrimination in social media, Tv, and newspapers. The aim is to understand how stereotypes promoted by mass media can afflict our perception on gender and how we can guarantee better gender equality in our society and the mass communication, and transmit what they have learned with a presentation such as flash mod, a short documentary, or an artistic performance.

In this way, participants will learn to work in a team, to share ideas, to respect different opinions, to evaluate themselves, and the importance of human rights and gender equality. In addition, they will be responsible for the organization of energizer and the presentation of their country and culture during the International Dinner. Finally, in the third part participants, with the help of facilitators and their organization, will disseminate the outcomes of the activities in their countries. At the end of the exchange, participants will present what they have produced in the workshop with the knowledge and tools they have received during the project. In this way, other people will be informed on the importance of gender equality in mass media communication and other young people will become interested in participating in an Erasmus + program to deepen the topic. In addition, participants will write a small article about the exchange and it will be published on social media and organizations' official websites to share all the information about this experience.

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