Hidden Dimensions

Hidden Dimensions


Between 2021 and 2023, USB participated as a partner in the European Erasmus+ project entitled “Hidden Dimensions”. This project was coordinated by Egyuettható Egyesuelet, an organization based in Hungary. The main goal of the project was to solve the problem that young people with disabilities are underrepresented or face barriers in their participation in Erasmus+ projects.

The project aimed to thoroughly research the current state of participation and representation of young people with disabilities in Erasmus+ projects in three European countries (Hungary, Greece, Romania. USB focused in Greece. This research included collecting data, conducting surveys, and interviewing relevant stakeholders to understand the challenges and opportunities. Moreover, the project aimed to evaluate existing Erasmus+ initiatives to identify which policies or practices hindered or facilitated the participation of young people with disabilities. The aim of this evaluation was to identify areas for improvement and greater inclusion.

Based on the research and assessment findings, Hidden Dimensions project sought to develop policy recommendations. These recommendations would propose actionable measures to promote the inclusion of young people with disabilities in Erasmus+ projects and support their active participation and accessibility.

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