The aim of our project is to decrease the wave of upcoming Eurosceptism and Europhobia in the partner countries by organizing civic debates, discussions, informational campaigns and events on topics which remind us and take us back to the history and the shared values of the EU. The causes for Euroscepticism and the respective consequences will be analysed and examined. The project addresses the annual priority of the Programme – Understanding and Debating Euroscepticism.
The main aims of the project are:
-to foster the democratic and civic participation of the EU citizens via researches, seminars and debates;
-to raise the awareness on European identity and consciousness by provoking the reflection on the common values and history;
-to contribute to the understanding of the existence and the meaning of the EU.
The project seeks to identify approaches and concrete solutions to decrease the further growth and influence of the Euroscepticism and Europhobia amongst the EU Member States. We will use the intercultural dialogue as a main tool for mutual understanding amongst the EU citizens to provoke their active participation on the topics of Europhobia and Euroscepticism. People from partner countries will have the opportunity to participate actively in the discussions finding diverse methods and tools to overcome the growing Europhobia and Euroscepticism which overwhelms Europe.
To achieve the stated aims in the project we plan to adopt a diverse methodology:
-research and comparative analysis (questionnaires, focus groups, detailed interviews) to find out the causes for Euroscepticism and Europhobia;
-national informational campaigns and debates, international seminars and tribune to set the frames and the reasons for the Euroscepticism.
-Through the intercultural dialogue and transnational cooperation we hope to change negatively the level of Euroscepticism on national and international level and to present the great opportunities and benefits of EU to its citizens.
The project is co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union