Make a Path
Find our way in our new land!
The goal of the international Make a Path project is to work with a group of youth workers and teachers to develop methods to help young immigrants integrate into their new living environment(s). At the same time, we aim to familiarize youth workers and teachers with best practices in the field of young immigrant integration and introduce them to methods and activities that already exist and work.
Young immigrants and their families struggle with a cultural "sock" in their new cultural environment, which may change gradually over the years of exchange. However, in the early years they face many difficulties and challenges in the integration process. Our goal is to equip them with specific tools and ad hoc practices - and better alternatives - to integrate in the cities and countries to which they have immigrated. Youth workers and teachers will thus have the knowledge and competence to prepare activities for young immigrants that could help them integrate in a more constructive and inclusive way in the "new and unknown" society and culture of their immigration. Meeting other young people from their city and country will help them integrate more easily into society, continue their education or find a job.
The project was designed with three initiatives for the participants: a study visit in Denmark, a training course in Greece and a youth exchange program in Slovenia. The activities aim to exchange best practices, methods, tools and ideas for the trainers and the participants. As part of the youth exchange, the young participants will work together to create an international brochure that contains the most important information a young person or family immigrating from another country needs, such as: basic information about registering residence, enrolling in kindergarten and school, receiving financial and other assistance, ways to learn languages, where and how to choose a doctor, etc., as well as other information that participants also consider essential when living in a new place that does not correspond to their origin. At the same time, the brochure will also contain information primarily aimed at young people, with which we want to contribute to a better integration of young people into society, namely: where young people hang out, what to do in this city/country, where to get support and help in finding new contacts.
Target groups:
- Young immigrants and young immigrant families
- Youth
- Youth workers
- Teachers