Make your voice HeaRD: Youth workers as influencers for the promotion of Human Rights and Democracy

Make your voice HeaRD: Youth workers as influencers for the promotion of Human Rights and Democracy

Erasmus+ ΚΑ1

"Make your voice HEarD" is a Traning Course that seeks to address the main challenges of European youth, such as discrimination and social exclusion of marginalized groups, youth unemployment, lack of tolerance and intercultural understanding, conflicts questioning human rights culture in European societies. The activity aims to address these major topics while focusing on needs on the individual, community and European levels of youth. According to these needs, the main topics of the activity are focusing on media literacy, risks of digital youth (hate speech), self-initiatives, developing quality youth work and cooperation of young people for achieving results that cross the border. The motivation of the applicant organisation to carry out this project is mainly based on its broad experience with youth with fewer opportunities such as refugees, migrants, Roma people and LGBTQ youth and the issues they face within their societies. On an individual level, the project focuses on the development of soft skills that are often not addressed through traditional forms of education which leads to a high level of youth unemployment, disadvantages on the labor market and skill mismatches that can reproduce social challenges and inequalities. Through non-formal activities, youth workers will develop communication skills, digital skills, confidence, creativity, critical thinking and will be empowered to take social responsibility through which they can create an effect on a community level as well. The role of individuals in creating social change on a community level is indispensable.

Participants of the training course will be encouraged to address challenges such as discrimination, hate-speech and social exclusion by mobilizing young people through local initiatives as a form of social campaigns and activities that aim to make young people speak up for change and development in their communities. These actions will not only foster active citizenship and social responsibility but also encourage youth not to turn away from traditional ways of politics and decision-making, as it often happens, but to form a voice of youth and become stakeholders in the decision-making process on a local level. Youth workers have a crucial part in social change as they interpret knowledge, skills and values to a broader scale of local youth, especially when using social media platforms such as a blog, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. to do so. Empowered youth, active in social management of local communities have the possibility to generate improvement and discussion on a European level as well. Non-formal education on an international level is powerful in many ways, especially when it comes to addressing social, economic and climate issues on a European level. These initiatives can support the creation of a human rights culture, based on solidarity, inclusion and diversity. The intercultural learning experience and initiatives that cross the border create and strengthen a European sense of identity. Social campaigns and initiatives of youth are crucial as today’s youth will become the leaders of tomorrow

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