The training course "Management of Non Governmental Organizations - MANGO", took place in Thessaloniki from 9 to 18 February of 2018 and aimed to provide an opportunity for 34 young youth workers from Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, FYROM, Belgium, Cyprus, Esthonia, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Germany and Turkey to be trained on the management and administration of non-governmental youth organizations and to assist with their experience and involvement in the development of practical methods and tools that will improve the functioning of such bodies. This program was based on the needs of the youth workers and challenges that they face in the workplace. The profile of the participants was very specific, and it was aimed for young people from 18 to 30 years old who had at least one year of work experience in youth NGOs.
The main project activities were some of the following: the preparation process, where young people could capture the needs that they would like to identify more during training and report certain information on civil society in their countries. The second activity is the training which addressed the thematic of management in various fields, such as management of volunteers, time management and thematics like the funding opportunities and achieving of communication and networking. The next action was the "experimental application of the tools" and writing of an e-booklet practices and tools for better management of NGOs and the creation of a documentary with all the stages of the project and personal portraits of the participants. Each participant had to create their personal Portfolio according to the role that one has in the organisation or the one that they would like to have, which will determinate the next steps that needs to be followed in order to develop their specialization.