Raising Awareness for Inclusive Societies Expression - RAISE

Raising Awareness for Inclusive Societies Expression - RAISE

Erasmus+ ΚΑ2

Beyond the strict politics in several European countries to strike and stop the hate crimes, is beingclearly, that those measures are not being enough to build a tolerant society. And because it hasbeen visible that is not only through the law that we can solve this problematic, we believe that tobuild a more tolerant and inclusive society we need first to create and share a commonunderstanding of the hate phenomenon.

By sharing personal experiences, understanding the intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects of thisissue and by studying the social causes and consequences that affects not only young survivors ofhate speech, but also oppressors, and in ultimate case all society, we may create a deep and clearunderstanding of the hate speech, what can be the way to generate more effective measures tofoster a society more open and inclusive for all.

With this project, we aim to RAISE awareness of hate speech crimes among the community and localinstitutions and give support and tools to pursuit more justice and equality regarding to this subject. Isstill important to keep spreading and make clear that the violation of the right to live with no fear andintimidation is a crime, as the violation of any other Human Right.

Is a priority of the project to help to address diversity and promote ownership of shared values of equality and non-discrimination, finding powerful solutions to decrease hate speech crimes and tofoster social inclusion creating a more aware, cohesive and inclusive society.

No matter cultural, religious, gender, aged, racial differences, we look to achieve the identities’affirmation of the youth through the work together with other youth workers, with professionals andwith local institutions, giving them tools of empowerment and of support for other youth.

The importance to carry this project transnational is to RAISE up the EU values and to promote awareness of them and creating a more inclusive Europe with no hate for the differences in a mixedand diverse Europe that sometimes it shows intolerant and unstable.

On a first phase of the project, investigation, analysis and consultation of data will be conducted. Thefindings of the IO1 activities will be published in the format of a study that will serve as the basis ofsubsequent project activities for all Partners. IO1 will mainly identify specific causes andconsequences of hate crimes and possible exintent solutions.

Secondly, we will gather professionals/ youth workers that will take an active role on the constructionof a Toolbox for youth workers to build (and help to build) resilience of young people against hatespeech by sharing knowledge and experience, by delivering workshops among local Partners anddiscussing the problematic to build a collection of the best practices and tools for the toolbox.

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