Reflection of the Future (November 2014-November 2015)

Reflection of the Future (November 2014-November 2015)

Reflection of the Future (November 2014-November 2015)
Europe For Citizens

‘’Reflection of the Future’’ was a project that aimed to prompt a more informative public debate on the history and heritage of Communism in Europe and the impact it cause 25 years after the Cold War, considering the transformation of European countries since 1989 through the eyes of European idea as prospect of defeat of the past. The project succeed to increase the quality and validation of non-formal education in youth work through adaption, extension and dissemination of a single unified methodology and standards for quality in the conduct of non-formal educational activities. In the project participated 11 organisations from Bulgaria, Denmark, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Estonia.

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