The project seeks to remind European citizens about the democratic revolutions 1989 1990 as a period of arduous struggles for pluralistic democracy and peaceful coexistence in Europe with the aim to strengthen the contemporary commitment of the European citizens to the preservation of democratic pluralism and democratic i nstitutions. While fostering the transnational dialogue of the European citizens about 1989 and its consequences, the project increases awareness among the citizens about the similarities of European countries and thereby contributes to the strengthening o f European identity. Furthermore, the project fosters a resilience against contemporary populist narratives based on the promise of a return to the allegedly “better past”.
The project carried out five events aiming to involve citizens from different European countries in a dialogue about the democratic revolutions of 1989 and include them in public debates about the democratic transitions in Europe in the end of the 1980s and the 1990s. Through the documentary film "How did 1989 change Europe?“ and the manual with didactic materials „1989: a lesson from the past“, the project succeeded to brought together history teachers and youth workers from 10 European countries in a common European dialogue about the democratic transitions of the 1980s and the 1990s. The film and the manual were presented to the participants as educational tools to improve youth’s knowledge of the democratic revolutions. The deliverables of the project can be used both in formal and informal level to include youth in the discussion about the democratic revolutions.
The project is coordinated by Documenta and brings together the following European organizations and institutions: BLOCKFREI – Verein für Kultur und Kommunikation (Austria), Aarhus Universitet (Denmark), Tartu Ülikool (Estonia), United Societies of Balkans (Greece), Hipmont – Udruženje profesora istorije Crne Gore (Montenegro), European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (Poland) and Centrul Roman pentru Inovatie in Dezvoltare Locala (Romania).
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You can read more about the project here.