Summer Solidarity Shots

Summer Solidarity Shots

Erasmus+ European Voluntary programmes

The Summer Solidarity Shots consisted of volunteer team in high priority areas project, split into three groups.

The first was working in Thessaloniki with several organizations focused on the integration of stigmatized social groups. Thus, with Faros tou Kosmou the volunteers developed education activities with vulnerable children from the Roma community; with Oikopolis and Alkyone they participated into initiatives directed to the refugees living in the city; and they were able to help the Argo Social Enterprise, operating into the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, supporting the reintegration of former drug addicts.

The second group, operating in the same city, acted on the preservation of European intangible cultural heritage, by supporting Action Art with the organization of the Fairytale and Storytelling Festival. By its turn, the third group was centered in Stratoni, a village of Halkidiki. There, they developed several initiatives aiming to create cultural opportunities within this isolated area, and to reduce the intergenerational gaps within the community.

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