Workpetence – Online tool for Competence Balance for Youth Employment, aims to contribute to young people are ready to participate in the labor market. The project objective is to: Increase youth workers competences on youth employment.
Youth biggest challenge is unemployment, the young adult generation lives with the support of the family, that is, from the solidarity of the parents and the closest relatives. Long-term unemployment makes young people, frustrated and dissatisfied because they are forced to delay them in time important functions, both for individuals and for society – marriage, parenting and such. The situation in Croatia and Greece are in better situation, however the level is not drastically different, as the Greece crisis have taken its toll and the accession of Croatia in EU have left some gaps regarding youth unemployment nationwide, as young people are seeking employment in other EU countries (brain drain), and doesn’t recognize the national opportunities as options, due to the lower standards and prosperity, lack of information and opportunities.
Workpetence is focusing on the topics: Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) and Labor market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment in order to create online synergy between NEET group of young people and youth workers. Workpetence will contribute towards the following horizontal and sectorial priorities: YOUTH: Promoting quality youth work, HORIZONTAL: Open and innovative practices in a digital era, HORIZONTAL: Social inclusion.
Youth Council Prilep, Macedonia, ALFA ALBONA from Croatia and United Societies of Balkans from Greece will strive to complete the project objective with achieving the following results:
- Established guide on consultation and mentoring basics for Online Career Guidance.
- Provided online digital tool for support of youth workers in field of youth employment.
Additionally the project intervention expects to achieve the following results based on project activities.
- Established fully functional interactive project website
- Produced Methodology for Assessment of Employability Competences Online Test
Workpetence will include: Experts, Technicians, youth workers from Croatia, Macedonia and Greece in order to produce tool for Assessment of Employability competences dedicated for youth workers that provide support to young people in NEET. Approximately 1000 people will benefit from or will be target of the activities organized by the project, from youth workers, youth organizations, organizations that work with youth, national, local authorities, to young people in NEET.
The Project contains one transnational meeting, two multiplier events and delivering one intellectual output defined as Innovative digital tools for employability competences of Youth.