Youth Activism Generates Opportunities -YAGO

Youth Activism Generates Opportunities -YAGO

Youth Activism Generates Opportunities -YAGO
Erasmus+ ΚΑ1

The social apathy of young people is the reflection of the crisis of the values of our time. This crisis is also reflected in social and political terms and is the reason for the alienation of youth from social activism and the decision-making process. The aim of this youth exchange - which took place from 10 to 18 January 2017 - was to create the conditions and tools to combat this social apathy while at the same time promoting local, national and international volunteering and social activism using non-formal learning. Through this youth exchange, 50 people (42 participants, 7 team leaders and 1 coordinator) - from 7 European countries (Greece, Italy, Sweden, France, Romania, Estonia and Cyprus), acquired knowledge, skills and tools will enable them to play an active role in civil society. In addition, the age group on which the project was centered (ages 18 to 25) represents not only the group of young people discouraged by the social situation, but also the future generation of workers and European citizens involved in the decision-making process. By targeting at younger ages, participants can share and disseminate knowledge and experience both to their local community and to the members of the organizations in which they are or will be active in the future. In this way, coupled with the achievement of the goals set, these individuals can take part in future actions with similar goals but not only. The skills acquired are used and will continue to be used in various aspects of their lives while at the same time the participants disseminate their knowledge to the family, the local community, the school environment and elsewhere. To achieve these results, the objectives set were:

- To increase knowledge of the basic concepts of social activism and volunteerism,

- Explain the different ways of activism (social, electronic, etc.) and the different levels at which it is applied (local, national, international and European, which has a strong representation due to the presence of persons participating in the E.V.S. program)

- Introduction to the concepts of the identity of the European citizen and civil society

- Debate on activism in partner countries

- Suggest ideas on how to support the youth initiative and action

- Debate on the challenges and difficulties for activism in modern society

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