Erasmus+ ΚΑ2
The "Youth, Business, Better" program is related to the development of entrepreneurial skills and competencies in young people and represents
an important way to enhance self-employment, active participation and social inclusion of young people, as well as a key determinant for a
process of grassroots development for young people, capable of making the most of the wide range of assets (natural, cultural, traditional)
that characterize rural areas throughout Europe and the countries of the Western Balkans. YBB provides an integrated approach to tackling
youth unemployment in rural areas through the exchange and development of knowledge, best practices and NFE tools that promote
understanding and technical skills of local youth actors in supporting emancipation and employability. young people in rural areas through
the transfer of entrepreneurial skills and abilities. The consortium consists of experienced youth organizations with long-term involvement
in supporting disadvantaged young people in rural areas through the NFE.