Youth Unity and Inclusive camp is a Youth Exchange which will tackle the youth and youth with fewer opportunities issues and needs, discrimination problems and hate-speech, lack of balance and harmony in everyday life of young people, lack of common understanding, tolerance, youth unity and intercultural integration as well as social inclusion. These are main topics of the youth exchange that participants want to discuss and explore more since they want to increase their awareness but also awareness of local youth from their communities and Young Europeans. The Youth Exchange as an activity meets objectives of the project by giving the opportunity for young people to spend time in intercultural environment, get connected and active on local, national and international level as well as become more aware of different cultures, traditions and attitudes of young people coming from other countries. Activity will also broaden knowledge, skills and attitudes of participants regarding terminology: fewer opportunities, discrimination, social inclusion, integration, interfaith dialogue and social campaigns Participants will explore the topics, exchange information of country profiles regarding youth needs and issues and youth policy, collaborate and learn from each other, spend a lot of time together, work in international groups using different methods, take challenges together so they will be able to learn effective, run intercultural dialogue, explore similarities between each other and break stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination behaviors.
The Youth Exchange will equip participants with social and intercultural skills but also team work skills especially in international environment. By organizing campaign, meeting local stakeholders and local youth and organizing follow-ups the youth exchange will encourage participants to be active in social life on local, national and European level and give them all tools and confident to bring the change in their society, promote integration, prevent youth from hate-speech and discrimination, explain to others young people and positively influence on them.