The project came up from the will of participants of the previous projects DIVA Vol. 1 and DIVA Vol.2 to continue to promote among young people the LGBTI+ community and the Europride while providing them with new technology and improving their personal and professional skills which will be suitable for the job market. Indeed, previous participants express the idea that even if the LGBTI+ issue has increased its importance in the European debate and policies, prejudices against LGBTI+ people still persist in many countries and create a negative consequences on the perception of society toward the LGBTI+ community, reproducing discrimination, hate speech and violent behaviors both in public and private spaces and also online trough internet and media. For this reason previous participants and partner organizations believe that a new he youth exchange will be an important occasion for new group of young people to meet peers from different countries and discuss during the week of Europride 2020 hot topics relevant to our society such as human rights, respect of the diversity and promotion of inclusion and equality, by confronting their experience and reflecting on the condition of LGBTI+ people in their countries. By carrying on this project, partners want to promote among new participants the LGBTI+ community and the idea that to achieve positive social changes in our society is necessary to respect diversity and defend the values of human rights and equality. The participation of participants in the Europride 2020 will help them to overcome their fears and prejudices and to break the stereotypes, by entering in contact with the local LGBT community and international visitors attracted from the parade, while they will contribute to supporting the community by collecting materials for the camping. Also, the project wants to stimulate in young people reflect on "What are LGBTI+ and human rights?" and how much they know about this topic, which are the condition of LGBTI+ people in their countries, if they have received discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation or if they have discriminated someone for these reasons, and how change the negative perception towards the LGBTI+ community.
The YE will involve 40 participants from 7 countries - among them 7 group leaders, one for each country, and five facilitators provided by USB. The project's activities will be planned using the no-formal education method, which means that each participant will cooperate with the group leader to organize and run each session every day. In this way, participants will be actively involved in the implementation of the project, by organizing activities based on their needs and preferences, contributing to the project with their ideas and gaining personal and professional skills useful in the future for the job market.