

Erasmus+ ΚΑ2

The project "EKSEDRA - holistic psychophysical sports education HelathyLifestyle4All is dedicated to people across all generations, for whom it is an opportunity to learn about an effective form of sports mobilization while getting to know themselves and achieving personal development. Inspired by the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and their holistic approach to human development - body, mind and soul - we decided to establish a project that directly relates to this culture. Exedra in ancient Greece was one of the parts of the gymnasium devoted to discussions on human development through its psychophysical whole, based on mentoring and an open exchange of ideas. With today's decentralization of knowledge about the human body and ways of personal development through sport, we decided to meet the current youth and help them to develop personally thanks to a healthy lifestyle, ways of eating, training, with a philosophical and coaching background. Our project therefore offers all people education on a healthy lifestyle for everyone involved, by a physiotherapist and a personal trainer, education on healthy eating and choosing the right diet for the sports regimen and lifestyle by a dietitian, while establishing a plan for changing lifestyle and activity habits with a coach. We believe that ensuring adequate access to professional education can become the basis for prevention against social problems in the local community, such as obesity, especially among young people, body posture defects, postpandemic depression due to the widespread use of remote work and education and social isolation from peers and tendencies to fall into alcohol addiction and drugs. Our project is a proposal for the practical application of a holistic approach to a person with their physicality and mental aspects, so as to help the society implement a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

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