Europe For Citizens
EU-IN:European Inclusion through Intercultural Dialogue" is a Network of Organizations and Towns working for the inclusion of disadvantaged citizens,especially refugees,asylum seekers,Roma and other migrants. It stems from the belief that Intercultural dialogue can help in combatting stigmatization of migrants and minority groups and,at the same time,can contribute to the creation of a more inclusive EU community.
As first step, the12 partners from 7 EU Countries + MK will learn more about EU Policies and Programmes about inclusion of migrants.Thus,they will work together for improving their staff members' and volunteers' skills, by sharing local best practices of inclusion in different contexts (Schools,Public Insitutions,CSOs and Sport Clubs) and will co-design and attend a cooperative learning based Training Course on the use of non-formal methodologies for intercultural dialogue (such as Debate,porteur de parole,Young People and Democracy Workshop,Gamification,Art,...). The results of the 12 local experimentations of these tools will be shared and discussed among the partnership, while their revised version will be included in the "EU-IN TOOLKIT",a concrete outcome to be shared with other professionals and volunteers. Moreover,the Toolkit will represent the Final Recommendation to be addressed to the relevant EU stakeholders and policy makers, through the use of the EU Partecipatory Democracy instruments (Citizens' Initiatives,Citizens' dialogue, petitions,consultations,...).
Thanks to the 6 International Events and the 32 local activities (4 per Country), EU-IN will involve a total number of about 600 direct and 35.000 indirect participants, affecting both the professionals working with migrants and minorities (teachers,public officers,youth workers,social workers,etc...) and the 12 different communities, as those professionals will act as local multipliers,supporting simple citizens in having their say at EU level and shaping EU policy."
As first step, the12 partners from 7 EU Countries + MK will learn more about EU Policies and Programmes about inclusion of migrants.Thus,they will work together for improving their staff members' and volunteers' skills, by sharing local best practices of inclusion in different contexts (Schools,Public Insitutions,CSOs and Sport Clubs) and will co-design and attend a cooperative learning based Training Course on the use of non-formal methodologies for intercultural dialogue (such as Debate,porteur de parole,Young People and Democracy Workshop,Gamification,Art,...). The results of the 12 local experimentations of these tools will be shared and discussed among the partnership, while their revised version will be included in the "EU-IN TOOLKIT",a concrete outcome to be shared with other professionals and volunteers. Moreover,the Toolkit will represent the Final Recommendation to be addressed to the relevant EU stakeholders and policy makers, through the use of the EU Partecipatory Democracy instruments (Citizens' Initiatives,Citizens' dialogue, petitions,consultations,...).
Thanks to the 6 International Events and the 32 local activities (4 per Country), EU-IN will involve a total number of about 600 direct and 35.000 indirect participants, affecting both the professionals working with migrants and minorities (teachers,public officers,youth workers,social workers,etc...) and the 12 different communities, as those professionals will act as local multipliers,supporting simple citizens in having their say at EU level and shaping EU policy."