“Training-on-Acceptance-Minorities-and-Against-Marginalization (T.A.M.A.M.)” is a mobility of youth workers - Training course that is implemented by United Societies of Balkans 01/09/12/2017 in Thessaloniki, Greece that brought together 26 youth workers, young leaders, trainers and staff from organizations from European and Balkans countries.
The project is developed to address the issues of minority youth as often excluded and disadvantaged group of young people in Europe as well as to address and raise awareness about the transnational issue of social exclusion. The mobility activity-Training course is designed to address the direct needs of partner organisations and their local communities, as well as the learning needs of their representatives – participants of the project. The main aim of the Training is to train, empower and improve competences of youth workers to plan and implement activities that can contribute towards social inclusion and participation of minority youth in community and democratic life as well as equip youth workers with tools to fight against discrimination, racism, xenophobia and exclusion in any form and at any level. The activity will also improve the capacities of involved organisations by equipping their youth workers with the right competences and providing opportunity for exchange of good practices, experiences and methods for working with excluded groups of young people as well as opportunity for initiating concrete activities that can bring positive social changes and inclusion of disadvantaged youth in society.
In order to address these needs and achieve the main aim,the project has the following objectives:
-To educate participants about minorities, minorities rights in particular and human rights in general, challenges and violation of rights minorities face, minority-majority relations, intercultural and interfaith dialogue as well as analyse and compare different models of social inclusion of minorities in European countries;
-To raise awareness about how certain minorities and groups of individuals are socially excluded on the basis of their status, life choices or beliefs and encourage participants to take a stand against discrimination, racism, xenophobia and social exclusion;
-To foster social cohesion and inclusion in Europe through addressing the issue of social exclusion and encouraging young people's awareness and commitment to tackling these issues through creating and implementing local youth activities;
-To empower youth workers and organisations in developing quality activities that involve or benefit minority young people and promote social inclusion on all levels;
-To develop, practice and evaluate non-formal educational tools and methods for minority youth inclusion in particular and youth work with minority youth in general;
-To improve the intercultural, social and facilitation skills of youth workers as well as their competences to manage and work with diversity in all its forms;
-To foster sustainable international cooperation and networks, capacity and partnership building in the youth field working with minorities and social inclusion of minority youth;
-To promote Erasmus+ programme as platform to work with minority youth and opportunity to reach and enable inclusion and active participation of excluded groups of young people.