Thessaloniki Youth Resilience Challenge (2016-2018)

Thessaloniki Youth Resilience Challenge (2016-2018)

Thessaloniki Youth Resilience Challenge (2016-2018)
Erasmus+ ΚΑ3

“A Resilient City is one that has developed capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic, and technical systems and infrastructures so as to still be able to maintain essentially the same functions, structures, systems, and identity.” With this structured dialogue process we want to raise the youth aspect in the process of making Thessaloniki a resilient city and to ensure that young people's voices but also their role and responsibility are embedded in such process. As its officially described Thessaloniki is a youthful city and as such it should be promoted further with a real meaningful structured dialogue process on increasing its performance as a resilient city. In this regards both the city and the youth organizations want to deepen their cooperation and ensure that the young people are also included in the process of making the city resilient.

Based on this, the project objectives are:

- To establish a process of structured dialogue related to the Resilient city title of Thessaloniki and ensure that the young people are consulted in this process

- To engage youth groups in dialogue with the city and regional authorities aiming to promote open process and active engagement from all side

- To build long lasting space for dialogue between the city and the youth regarding the key challenges of Thessaloniki in its urban development, thus ensuring that the decisions will be made inclusive and will reflect the opinion of young people.

- To promote the Resilient City title of Thessaloniki as a policy and programme opportunity for improving the lives of people living in the city

The project is directly developed following the European best practices in structured dialogue, engaging in its creation some of the facilitators of the structured dialogue between the European Commission and the European Youth Forum. The entire process promotes the active participation of youth in all stages of the process. Young people from the applicant organization will be working on planning and envisioning how the process will go, then implement it and then also envision the follow-up. Also most of the decisions the young people can make together with the city and in this way practice true citizenship engagement.

In total 255 participants our of which 53 with fewer opportunities will be supported to engage in dialogue.

We also aim to have a number of guests in different stages of the programme, who can come to present what is their view on the different topics, share specific projects that have a clear relationship with the topic, listen to outcomes and discuss the views with the participants.

There will be 6 resilient challenges to be covered and discussed in such small groups:

AGING INFRASTRUCTURE - how does this impact quality of life of young people

EARTHQUAKE - what can youth organizations to to improve the capacity for quick reaction and saving lives

ECONOMIC SHIFTS - supporting entrepreneurship opportunities for youth

HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT - how to make more jobs for young people

REFUGEES - role of youth organizations in the refugee crisis and the integration efforts

RIOT OR CIVIL UNREST - social dialogue and the role of youth organizations in it


The project will be implemented following this order:


- A1 - Local level Idea Labs (08/02/2017)


55 young people, youth workers and leaders will take part in a new new "crowd-sourcing" initiative, allowing young people to express their proposals for action: "Ideas Labs". The group of 55 young people and youth workers will have the opportunity to meet together and create proposals that they feel are worth sharing with policy-­‐makers, and put these to the test with their peers. The first youth meeting will also serve for some team building and a bit of training, but most of the parts will be used for the Idea Generation.


- A2 - National level Idea Labs (05/03/2017)


40 young people and youth workers from entire Greece will attend the second meeting, which aims to make a link between the ideas developed on the youth meeting and the national level ideas for resilience. Also it will allow youth from different parts of Greece to meet and discuss how Thessaloniki can deal with the resilience challenges.


- A3 - Structured dialogue meeting (01/04/2017)


The first structured dialogue meeting with policy makers will gather 20 representatives from young people and the municipality of Thessaloniki, including other civil society. The meeting will be facilitated following the best practices from EU level structured dialogue.


- A4 -  Local level Idea Labs (05/06/2017)


The outcomes of the first structured dialogue meeting will be explore by 50 young people again in the form of an Idea Lab. The idea of this meeting is to ensure that the young people will understand how their ideas were taken into the policy process and what is developed, but also to say what is still missing and to propose these ideas further.


- A5 - Cross-sectoral meeting on Resilient Cities (Dialogue and Networking with other sectors) (01/07/2017)


In order to promote the 100 Resilient Cities challenge, the young people will host a meeting with 30 civil society and other sector representatives and present their ideas. This meeting is a practical phase of learning advocacy and being able to put this also in practice.


- A6 - Structured dialogue meeting for finalizing the project conclusions (05-06/07/2017)


The project has been funded by the European programme Erasmus+

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