Action: KA3 Social inclusion through education, training and youth
Type: Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education, training and youth
Project number: 604715-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
Coordinator: United Societies of Balkans
Start date: 31/01/2019
End date: 30/01/2022
Duration: 36 months
V for Volunteers (V4V) aims to empower youth workers and support staff who are experienced in the volunteerism field to develop competences related to promotion, implementation and mainstreaming of volunteer projects as a tool for social inclusion and de-radicalization as well as to contribute to the legal decision and policy making processes that shapes the voluntary youth work across Europe, based on non-formal educational activities via cooperation with local, regional and international authorities.
The project is designed in a way to empower youth workers, old and prospective EVS volunteers and their support staff with skills, knowledge and competences regarding to volunteerism.
Project will be consisting of three phases; the first phase will have a holistic approach to the volunteerism and discover the role of volunteerism as a way of civic engagement and capacity development of youth. The special target group on this phase will be marginalized young people who are at a risk of radicalization. The participants will look for the ways to use volunteerism as a tool to create opportunities which would lead to social inclusion of the members of this group.
The second phase of the project will create a sharing space for evaluating the volunteering projects that the partners have been implementing so far in order to highlight good and bad practices, learning points and experiences. This phase is expected to create the required interaction for the partners benefit from each others’ skills, expertise and experience. At this point participants are expected to make use of the collective knowledge exists on the venue and come up with innovative approaches, tools and methodologies which can be applied to different phases of the voluntary project cycle.
In the third phase of the project, participants will have an open forum methodology in order to establish policy recommendations regarding to the framework of voluntary projects, which would be shared with the local, regional and European level authorities. The presence of the decision/policy makers is also expected in this forum. This recommendations will also aim to cover the possible roles of the both policy makers and the youth workers for the establishment of sustainable link between European Voluntary Service and European Solidarity Corps.
The project is consisted by research, exchange of good practices and innovations, trainings on mentoring and coordinating volunteers as well as policy recommendation paper.